Guru’s Beloved Sadh Sangat Ji,
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
In an effort to commemorate Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji’s martyrdom, Gurudwara Sikh Sangat Society has made special arrangements throughout the following week of June 2015. The details are as follows:
Monday, June 8, 2015 – Thursday, June 11, 2015
Rehraas Sahib: 6:30 PM
Kirtan Bhai Sohan Singh (Dehradun Vale) and Jatha: 7:00 PM
Katha Bhai Amarjit Singh (Chandigarh Vale): 8:00 PM
Ardaas and Samapti: 9:00 PM
Note: Langar will be served during all evening diwans.
Friday June 12, 2015 (Akhand Paath Sahib Begins)
Akhand Paath Sahib Begins: 10:00 AM
Rehraas Sahib: 6:30 PM
Kirtan Bhai Sohan Singh (Dehradun Vale) and Jatha: 7:00 PM
Katha Bhai Amarjit Singh (Chandigarh Vale): 8:00 PM
Ardaas and Samapti: 9:00 PM
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Akhand Paath Sahib Continues All Day
Evening Diwan 6:30 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Bhog Akhand Paath Sahib: 10:00 AM
Kirtan by Youth: 11:00 AM
Kirtan Bhai Sohan Singh (Dehradun Vale) and Jatha: 11:30 AM
Katha Bhai Amarjit Singh (Chandigarh Vale) 12:30 PM
Ardaas, Hukamnama, and Samapti: 1:30 PM
Note: Langar will be served all three days during Akhand Paath.
Sadh Sangat Ji, we request you to come and participate in the above events. These events cannot be successful without your presence. Please write your name and phone number on the calendar in the Gurdwara Sahib, during the daily weekly diwans and Akhand Paath Sahib. For more details please contact us at the numbers provided below. Please keep visiting our website for details about the upcoming events.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Thank You.
Humble Servants of Guru Ghar
Date: 22 May 2015
Amarjit Singh: 617-699-3928 Dalbir Singh: 617-606-1743 Hardial Singh: 857-222-5536
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